I have cell phone service with Cingular/ATT and have been quite happy with them. One reason is that I can move my SIM card between different phones and am not locked in to using only one cell phone. Another was that they didn't tend to hobble their devices the way Verizon did. For example, new Verizon phones would let you use bluetooth for wireless headsets, but not for syncing. Well, I just discovered one problem with Cingular...
My new Nokia N95 (which I had to purchase for full retail since Cingular doesn't offer any Symbian smart phones) is awesome. I was trying to get Widsets to work but failed. (Widsets are small web applications that can run on the phone much like the iPhone will supposedly use Web 2.0 technology to extend its application capability.) The reason? Cingular won't let most midlets have socket connections. Hmph.