Own Your Own Cable Modem? Check The Speed!
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I have cable modem service to my home via Comcast. I bought my own modem, the Motorola 4100, about three years ago so I wouldn't have to pay the cable modem rental fees. Since the modem only cost about $50, I've saved about one hundred dollars over that time period.
I had Comcast come install two CableCards in my new Tivo Series 3 and the installers commented on what an old modem I had. They went on to explain that one advantage of renting a modem is that, when the modem limits download speed, Comcast will replace it with a faster one. Having just installed a new Airport Extreme Pre-N wireless router, this seemed like something to check out.
After reading the spec. sheets on both modems it looks to me like their download speed is the same (38 Mbps). However, the Motorola 5101 I just installed is faster in my tests. Maybe it's the DOCSIS 2.0 support. Well, I'm just an unfrozen caveman anesthesiologist but I know speed when I see it...16 Mbps:
If you bought your own modem several years ago, consider upgrading it. The results might surprise you.