Iraq Survey Group Report Available
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The Iraq Survey Group report is available at the CIA website. They've broken out the 'Key Findings' as a separate PDF document. Don't just be content to let some reporter tell you what is says. Go look for yourself...
Harvest of Organs Was 'Homicide'
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The Australian: Harvest of organs was 'homicide':
""A US coroner issued a homicide finding yesterday after determining that two hospitals allowed vital organs to be removed from a man before they had proven he was brain dead.
William Rardin's cause of death was "removal of his internal organs by an organ recovery team", ruled coroner Mark Young in Montrose County, Colorado.
He said he did not believe the case should be a criminal matter, but suggested it "should lead to a clarification of what the accepted standard is".
Mr Young said the two hospitals did not follow "accepted medical standards" or meet state guidelines in determining that Rardin, 31, was brain dead after he shot himself last month.""
What were the tests done at the hospital to determine brain death? Splashy headline, but we need more facts to really know what went on.
Donor card, anyone?
Brain MRI Successfully Adapted for Intraoperative Use
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Brain MRI Successfully Adapted for Intraoperative Use in Germany.
A neurosurgeon's wet dream
FDA Public Health Advisory: Safety of Vioxx
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FDA Public Health Advisory: Safety of Vioxx from the FDA and also a FAQ.
As far as I have been able to find out, the results that led to the early termination of the APPROVe trial have not been published. What seems to have happened is that the trial was terminated because interim analysis revealed the increased risk of heart attacks in those taking Vioxx for more than 18 months. Of note is the fact that the study enrolled fewer than three thousand patients, yet still possessed enough power to allow this conclusion, which suggests to me that complications were not rare (in which case a much larger study sample would have been needed to demonstrate this result).
Vioxx: How Safe Is FDA Approval?
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Vioxx: How Safe Is FDA Approval?:
""The problems with Vioxx, taken off the market last week, raise questions about the Food and Drug Administration's safety review process. Observers say longer clinical trials should be required.""
[Via Wired News]
Did Kerry Cheat in First Debate?
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"No props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or other tangible things may be brought into the debate by any candidate." So states the memorandum of understanding between the two campaigns regarding the debates. Yet, this video shows John Kerry taking something out of his pocket at the beginning of the debate and placing it on his lectern. Please explain, Mr. Kerry. Perhaps it was a picture of Teresa to inspire you?

[via American Daughter]
What's Michael Moore Up To?
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It seems Michael Moore is turning his camera on drug makers and health unsurers.
""Companies have warned their sales representatives to be on the lookout for camera phones and reports of Moore representatives offering $50,000 to doctors' offices to place hidden cameras or $5,000 to sales representatives willing to be filmed, according to a representative of one drug maker, who asked not to be identified.
"Moore's spokesman would not comment on any production activity or allegations of payments to drug company employees.""