Think CPAP Mask After Major Abdominal Surgery
Posted by Clark Venable on 2/13/2005
JAMA just published Continuous positive airway pressure for treatment of postoperative hypoxemia: a randomized controlled trial and those of us giving anesthesia for open major abdominal surgery should take note. Here's the abstract:
I remember the first time someone suggested using CPAP for the struggling patient in the recovery room after major abdominal surgery. I snorted and mumbled something under my breath about how the patient needed an endotracheal tube and should have taken the offered thoracic epidural. I went back to bed, convinced that I'd be called in an hour or two to intubate the patient who would by then certainly be in extremis. You know what? They never called me that night and this paper helps me understand why.
I think I need to modify my internal algorithm for post-anesthesia management of these often difficult cases to reflect the option of CPAP as a middle ground between mask oxygen and endotracheal intubation.
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